Friday 10 December 2010

Playing With Snow is Fun :)

Today last period was the funniest and coolest of the whole day. As usual, the Geography teacher came late. Before he came, I was going with Richard and Klements to Backerei to buy something. When we back, Mia, Min Yong and Laura were playing with snow. I joined them  for a few minutes and then I went to the classroom as it was freaking cold for me. Then, the teacher arrived. Someone asked him, can we have our lesson outside with snow? Of course, he said no. But, he said we can play with snow for 5minutes. Guess what, everyone from my class ran out from the classroom and played outside for 5minutes. =D With snow balls flying in the air. Its very very cool and funny. Hahaha. I hope it keep on snowing, and we can play again tomorrow. Every student love snow. =)

Schnee macht Spaß.. xD