Monday 27 December 2010


Its a celebration that I am not used to celebrate.Until now, included this year Christmas, I only celebrated it twice. 2007 in Italy and this year. I like this celebration very much. Although it was a little bid stress with buying presents, but received presents replace all the stress with happiness. I felt quite warm actually when I received presents from my host family. I received a beer openner from my host sister, a small bottle of vodka from my host brother, a year magazine from my host mother, a sweater and an ice-wine from my host family. In short, I love to receive presents than preparing presents. xD

I am going to Austria for snowboarding with my host family from tomorrow until the 2nd of January.I hope that my ass will still alive after that, haha. And then,I will go to Hamburg from 4th of January until 8th of January. I am looking forward to these tide and pack holidays as these will be the last for me to do some visiting. 

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