Wednesday 22 December 2010

Christmas time

Christmas is coming!!! But I dont like 1 thing about Christmas, only 1. The super and greatest of all time, that 1. To buy present. I think the last time I bought a present was in 2007, for my family when I was in Italy. Those are consider as souvenirs ba. So the last time I bought a present, for a birthday gal/boy, I think its when I was 7/8 years old. I think la. I was quite shock when I think when was the last time I bought a present for someone. Normally,  I just share it with others of my friend. So my job were just gave money, and those who responsible bought it.  And now, I salute those who always bought present. Its not eassy, for me to think what should I give to them as present. xD. I need to buy present for my host family and for my Wichtel. And I already thought about what should I bought as presents for them for a very very long time. This is what I dont like about Christmas, haha.

Its raining now. I hope snow comes more, and we will have 'White Christmas'. We have quite a lot of snow now, but it rained today and my host mum told me tomorrow is going to rain too. =S When it rainned, the snow melt, and we only have ice, not snow. I hope it snow on Christmas day, as it was my childhood dream to celebrate Christmas with snow falls from the sky! But I hope the road condition will be OK on Thursday as I want to hang out with Nadine *deadly*. Please be kind to me, I miss her very very very very much.


  1. Where is my CHRISTMAS PRESENT? :DD

    Okay, I can predict your answer liaw. You want to say impossible you will buy for me. XD
