Friday 17 December 2010

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Manchester United won! Manchester United won! Yeah, I know its abit late to post this news, but late is better than never right? =) It was a match of Manchester United vs Arsenal. The score is 1-0. Who is the hero? Park Ji-Sung. He is a Korean who plays for Manchester United. Although he is not my favourite player, but I love to watch him played. Especially when he scored a goal. So now, Man Utd top the premier league table with a game in hand. Next match, vs Chelsea. Hoping for Man Utd to beat Lusheng's supported team. xD

I went to Paris for a 1day trip. I would not be a day to forget for me. My trip started at 5.20a.m., when I woke up. After having my bath, brushing my tooth and having my dinner, my host mum brought me to Konz train station. My trains were from Konz to Saarbrücken, and then from Saarbrücken to Paris L'EST. In Saarbrücken, I met Estiban, also a student exchange like me in Germany. He comes from Costa Rica. We dont know we would go to Paris on the same day. Its shock for both of us to see each other in Saarbrücken main train station, and both of us want to go to Paris. He had his host aunt as tour guide, so I joined them too, as travel alone is quite boring. We reached Paris L'EST at about 10a.m.. Just moving out from the train station, I could felt another type of atmosphere and environment. Its PARIS! It is so beautiful and totally amazing. I dont know how to explain it by words. I could not believe I was in Paris and this type of 'unbelievable feeling' was really unexplainable. This city really lived up to the biling point as the city of love. Its so beautiful and even the streets, the lamp post, the people, the language, everything were so cooool and beautiful(for me). The first destination is Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, we walked to the church. It stand on a hill, and from there, one can view a wonderful blick from Paris. Then, we took a Metro to   Eiffelturmes, one of the most famous landmark in the word. After that, we took a Metro to Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel. and then we walked down one of the most famous and the most expensive street in Paris,  Champs-Élysées. Next, we walked to Musée du Louvre, where Mona Lisa is placed in the museum. But unfortunately, it was closed on Tuesday. Even it was openned on Sunday, I may need 1day to view this museum as it is very very huge. Nest destination was  Kathedrale Notre Dame de Paris, and then to the town hall of Paris,Hôtel de Ville, and next to Centre Georges Pompidou. After that, I walked to the train station alone as my train leaved at 5.09p.m.. Overall, Paris is too big for a 1day trip. It was so stressed as I walked a lot around Paris as I wanted to see a lot in 1day. And at last, I had joint pain on both of my leg, but it was worth. =)

Same thing, I needed to change my train in Saarbrücken. I passed my train in Saarbrücken, but I met 2 friendly and funny guys. I saw them too in the morning train. They were also going to Paris as I did, but for difference proposes. I was going for sight-seeing and they were going for business. And when we met, one of them asked me, did you miss the train too? And I said yes. I cant believe how eassy it was for a chat in Germany probably in Europe too. I mean, in Malaysia, no one will talk to you like this, and offer you a ciggarette(of course, I dont smoke). As we needed to wait for an hour and as it was so cold, they invited me for a glass of beer in a pub. We have a little chat during that 1hour of waiting. They were very funny. Haha.

9.30p.m., I reached home. It was very tired as I walked almost the whole day. My host mum asked me how was it, and I told her my experience as I told my natural mum. I am glad that I have someone to tell my story. =)

Overall, I just want to say. I am going to come back to Paris again for sure if I have the chance to come to Europe again. Paris is a must destination for Europe trip. =)

I went to buy a Christmas tree with my host mum. It was a brand new experience for me indeed. First time saw how people bought Christmas tree. Cut it down, wrapped it with duno-what-plastic, and then transported it to the car. We havent decorate the Christmas tree yet as its still a litte bid early. It still lying outside at the garden. Poor tree, as outside was cold, haha. But bo bien, its so high, about 3m long. haha

Today school was as normal as usual until the 3rd lesson. When we had sport lesson, the director from our school entered the sport hall, and told us that we can go back to our home after the 4th lesson because of snow. It was reported that snow would came, and affected the road, so we were allowed to go back earlier. But I didnt go back. In fact, I went to a friend's house. Before that, we went to a supermarket and bought some beer xD. I went to home only after 2.00p.m.. But the snow did not come so early actually, haha..

1 comment:

  1. So long your post..
    So lazy to read it..
    I'll read it next time when i'm free..
    Will not online at night coz i m now in kt..
    next year juz can chat v u..
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
    Miss you.
