Friday 24 December 2010


Today was a day that I dont hope to forget. As I wished, I get to met and played tennis with Nadine. She came to pick me up at about 12.30p.m., and then we went to have lunch in Mobel Martin. At first, I thought she would bring along her friends to play tennis with us as only 2ppl should be quite boring. But then she told me she bring along her brothers =). Its actually better because I may not know her friends, but her 2brothers, I knew them already. Although not very long since the first day that I met both her brothers, but we had a lot to chat and its like I knew this 2guys since long ago. From the second that she told me she bring her brothers along, my mood changed from already very excited to a mood that somehow I dont know how to describe. I really dont know how to describe it. I just knew that, more than 200% that this day's outing with Nadine and her brothers would be a great and funny day I dont hope to forget.

Mobel Martin is a furniture shop, and I dont know at the top of Mobel Martin is a buffet, and the youngest brother from Nadine, Alexandra choose a beautiful blick from the window of the Mosel river. I had only a sandwish for lunch, but it was full enough.

After that, we went directly to the sport centre to play tennis. As I expected, I had a lot of fun with Nadine and her brothers. At first, Nadine only booked the court for 1hour. But,what I dont expected was, that I have more fun then I expected. After 1hour, we decided to play for 1more hour as I really have a lot a lot a lot of fun with them. I think I will continue to play tennis when I back to Malaysia. Thank you Schartzs. Haha

Later, I went with them to their house. I think I only met saw their dad once(with shaking hands) many times(in newspaper). And her mum, I think 2times. Their parents are as nice and as friendly as their children. I think maybe because of the parents are so friendly, so their children are also like them, pollite, nice, friendly.... I had dinner with them in their beautiful house. Their house is really wonderful. And, not forget to say about the beautiful and amazing decoration under their Christmas tree. Their dad found a technique to make the water flow like the real water flow in river. Its totally amazing as it was made by himself. Congratulations =). What I like about their family, is the way they disscussed something, especially the brothers. When we had lunch, they told/ask me some questions about Malaysia. Some of the facts that they told were quite shocking me. I dont know they 2 made some researches at home just purposely for today's meeting or they want to know it not because want to make me think that they 2 know quite well about Malaysia. If you 2 knew it not purposely for today meeting, then I would say, both of you 2's knowledges about Malaysia were the best that I had ever heard among the teenagers of your age in Germany, and even better than some teenagers of your age in Malaysia. Oh ya, their mum then gave me a chocolate bar, a huge chocolate bar as a Christmas present, and then a Christmas card for me to family Gajan. My dad asked me to buy a Christmas card for family Gajan as he forget to send 1.

In short, I just wana say Familie Schartz bring a lot of happiness to me. You all are the second family after family Gajan, my host family in Germany, whom are really like my natural family in Malaysia. I felt really like home in Schartz house. Thank you, I love you all, Familie Schartz. and I hope you 6 stay healthy always. For Nadine, I hope that you will do well in your Abitur(like spm in Malaysia) and I wish that today would not be the last time we met before I go back to Malayia. And I hope you manage to get Indonesia or Malaysia as your social work with AFS, then we can meet each other again. Oh gosh, I started to miss you again....

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