Sunday 12 December 2010


I watched a football game live in stadium just now. It was FC Kaiserslautan vs Wolfsburg. The atmosphere was better than the atmosphere when I watched the bayern games. I think maybe its because the stadium is smaller, so you can hear the cheering of the fans clearer and louder than in Allianz Arena. But, the match was a little bid boring for me as the score ended 0-0. Without a single goal, its consider as boring to me. It was very+super+ultra cool. Lasse and me were shiverring when we watched the match. We cant concentrated on the game as it was very very cool. I think it was at minus temperature just now, and with cool wind, it made us cooler.

What am I going to do tomorrow? My host mum gonna call the people up-hill to ask about the snow condition where Sophia and me went for snow board last Sonday. As the temperature were a little bid higher suring the past few days, the snow had melt. So my host mum gonna ask about the snow up there. If there are still snow up there, we will go to snow boarding again. I hope jadi la, as I dont have any programm tomorrow. =)

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