Sunday 28 November 2010


I forget to post about the football story, haha. In Germany, I join a football club in my village. It took about 1month to get the liscense to play in a match, and I get it last 2 week. And today, its match day for me. I can't wait until 2pm and to go to Schweis(where we played). It was indeed an experience for me as I did not play in a football match before(just watch it). At first, it was pretty good. I expect that I would not be the first eleven,and would start as substitude when the score is on our side. But it went the other way round. The score was on the opponent side. When the match end, the score is 4-1. Our opponent won the game. I have the chance to play, but just for only 5 minutes.-.-!! and guess what, I was told by the coach after the game that it was the last game as we head to the winter break and he dont know when will the season start again.WTF!!! After such a long wait and high expectation,I only played for 5minutes, and it was the first match for me and the last match for me as while(as I thought there will be a couples of matches in the following week before the christmas holiday). But what can I do, live goes on,and I have to accept it. This post make up the title A Mixed Feeling on the last post.And, I wana thank Fionna Wee at here for wishing me although it wasnt as good as I thought. Thank you!!! and I miss you too.

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