Thursday 25 November 2010


I went to a presentation about Scandinavian yesterdayy evening at a house in my village. Its like an activity house for this village. Scandinavian is a region in northern Europe that includes Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland. The presentation was in a power point form. Many pictures, and also someone explained about the places of the pictures. Those places are very beautiful and interesting to me. Very green(nature) and very blue(sea and river). But, the pictures, I think they were taken very very long ago. Because the people inside those pictures wore very old fesyen clothes, like 19th century clothes. And also, I am the youngest inside the house. -.-!! Most of them are about 70 or 80 years old. Only a  just married couple, Stephan(a saxophone player in my host sister band and a friend of mine) and me are the only so-called young generation. But overall, the presentation was fine, and I learn something about Scandinavian. =D

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