Wednesday 24 November 2010

Hey People (Part II)

OK, wrote about the house interview yesterday, and i gonna continue with it. The house interview was intresting. The family has 4 daughters, and one of their daughter go to the same class as me, should say I go to the same class as her. She is going to Canada for student exchange in next year January. Her family wana host a girl whose mother tongue is English. I said that, people from Malaysia can speak good English, not as perfect as people from USA or England, but we speak very often English. We learn English from 9 years old and our Maths and all Science subjects all taught in English too, so our English are consider good (I feel very proud to be a Malaysian at that moment //).

Most of the people in Malaysia are not proud to be a Malaysian. I am was one of them too, but now, I SIBEK SIBEK PROUD to be a Malaysian. What is so special and good about Malaysia? I have a lot of reasons:

  • Malaysia is a country rich of culture.( Malay, Chinese, Indian and other minority races in Sabah and Sarawak) We celebrate Chinese New Year and other races' festivals together. Although in Germany, there are also a lot of Turkish people, but they do not celebrate their Muslim festivals together with the Germans. They come to Germany, and live like a German. But in Malaysia, we live like we used to. We live with our tradition, and we do not have only 1 tradition, but many traditions. This is what made Malaysia.
  • Because of the multicultural in Malaysia, we have many choices. One of the example is the food. As an example, breakfast in Germany is langweilig(boring) because its always the same. But in Malaysia, we have different type of food to choose. And also, Germans do not go to restaurant as often as we did, because its expensive and they do not have so many choices as we have.
  • Malaysia have a lot of festivals, and because of this, we have a lot of holidays. The festivals also represent Malaysia. Its not a Malay festivals or a Chinese festivals, but its Malaysia's festivals. If its only Malay or Chinese festival, then only the Chinese or Malay have holiday.
  • As we all know, we are more tradition then the Chinese in China. Some traditions or festival, we still celebrate or practise. But the Chinese in China do not did it anymore. Know why? Because the China experienced Chinese Cultural Revolution. But we did not.
  • We are able to speak Chinese and understand what the Chinese people in China speak, but they can't understand completely our Chinese as we mix it with our dialect, Malay and English. Although our English is not as perfect as the English, but it's better than many other country.
  • Malaysian pay less tax than the Germans. In Germany, the taxes are very high, so many high income people like Michael Schumacher prefer to live in Switzerland because of the low taxes in Switzerland. 
I still have some reasons actually, but I can't remember it now. Will tell more when I back to Malaysia.Oh ya, Alina, du hast zwei lustig und süß Schwestern. =)


  1. Eh, Don't be so standard ler your post! and , so fast d ? U linked me dy ><

  2. haha.. like what shu enn said!! XD
    But keep it on..
    Mr. Chew!! =D

  3. i just wana write what i think..=(=(
