Sunday 28 November 2010

A Mixed Feeling

Yesterday evening I went to Klement's birthday party. It was very fun and very cool. We did many funny things. I did not drink so much as I have a football match the next evening(will tell about the football story later). And guess what, only the girls are drunk. Normally, the boys are drunk, but I dont know why yesterday party was the other way round. The party end quite early, about 9 or 10pm, music was off and nobody dance, just chat. Than at about 1 or 2am, a few people and me went out from the house to have some fresh air. And guess what, it snowing quite heavily. And we played on the main street near the 'party house' as there was no car. I did a snow angel.// quite yeng right, haha. Oh ya, during the party, a few people and me played Trinkspiel, a type of drink game in type of dice. We need to roll the dice and follow the instructions base on what it is written. I think this game, you cant play it in Malaysia. Sure nobody want to play it unless me.I think its very funny. Hahaha. I slept at 4am, and woke up at 7am. Take a bus and back home.It was the coooolest and funniest party I had in Germany until now. Next party, Marie birthday party on 2nd of January. But I can't make it as I will be in Austria to learn snowboarding(yiiihaaa). But I think there will still be a Perpisahan Party for me .=D

Marie: Tut mir sehr leid. Ich möchte sehr gerne nach dein Party, wie du möchtest gerne für mich zu dein Party. Aber ich bin in Osterriech für Snowboarding. Wir machen Spaß wann Abschied Party ok? haha =D Sorry!!!

I dont know how to take the Text Background Colour off..Argghhh!!

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