Tuesday 30 November 2010

Dedicated to Aw Kong Seng

First time I met you, was in 2004 maybe earlier, but I am quite sure we met for the first time in primary school when you and others band members came to primary school and practised together with us, but do we have any conversation? I can't remember it. 2005, I joined band in secondary school, you are the assistant band leader of the year. I can't remember our conversation, but I can still remember when we played basketball together, when you teach me in band, when you told me jokes, when we played in toilet we did not bath in toilet actually, but at 6pipes near the field in front of the sport store. 2005 remained the best year and the hardest year in my band-life, because we really fight for every single thing.

2005 band life:
2005, Keat Hwa and Asma both lost in Kedah state level competition, and those seniors said, sir Tang count on us for the National Competition, so we had 10days band camp with sir Tang. It was the hardest and the most tiring band camp I had in my band-life. Without that 10days band camp, I dont think Swadaya will be as stong as today. That 10days raised our standard, from 8th place or maybe worse in National Level Competition to 4th placed. That year was the final year that competition was held for 2days.(semi final and final) And it was the first time that Swadaya managed to be in the Top 6 in final. At that time, to qualify to the final was as happy as we won the national level in 2008. Together with you, I learned many things about band and life. Without you in 2005, we would not be as good as that day(competition days). I still remember I keep on asking you from where these band member came from, and you told me 1by1 where do they from. We were also rewarded by sir Tang to genting for performance in genting. Although our standard was way behind our standard today, but it still remained one of the best performances, because it was the first international performance for Swadaya!

It was a few days before state lvl competition, and we did a video recorded full show. Asmara, our last song, I walked the wrong formation and you were behind me. I tought you would scold me very badly because I walked a bullshit(it should be page 5 but I walked page 6.something like that. I missed a page). but what you told me was,: 'I tried to walk wrong too, to create at least a shape to cover your mistake, but I did my best dy, yet it's still a mistake'. I was stun and explained everything to you, and what you told me was:'It's ok, dont repeat it next time can d'.

You are one of the best senior I had. We even called you trumpet God as you are the Pro-est. I think, nobody in our band have this type of nick name(the best). You really deserved it, at least the best trumpeter in Swadaya. You always denied it, because you think everyone can do the same as you too. I remeber you said to me, 'every drills and songs are simple, because basics remains clear in my mind'.

The last time I chat with you in Msn, was I asked you where do you study and at which school. I said I wana boom your school, but you said no fear, come arh. I said I wana meet you during CNY, but we do not meet as I forget. I wana fight with you like I did with cc, and I think he wants to do so. But we dont have the chance now....... =( I think this are all that I still remember. And I wana say,

Aw Kong Seng, thank you for everything and sorry for my nothing to you.... I miss you very much!!!

Sunday 28 November 2010


I forget to post about the football story, haha. In Germany, I join a football club in my village. It took about 1month to get the liscense to play in a match, and I get it last 2 week. And today, its match day for me. I can't wait until 2pm and to go to Schweis(where we played). It was indeed an experience for me as I did not play in a football match before(just watch it). At first, it was pretty good. I expect that I would not be the first eleven,and would start as substitude when the score is on our side. But it went the other way round. The score was on the opponent side. When the match end, the score is 4-1. Our opponent won the game. I have the chance to play, but just for only 5 minutes.-.-!! and guess what, I was told by the coach after the game that it was the last game as we head to the winter break and he dont know when will the season start again.WTF!!! After such a long wait and high expectation,I only played for 5minutes, and it was the first match for me and the last match for me as while(as I thought there will be a couples of matches in the following week before the christmas holiday). But what can I do, live goes on,and I have to accept it. This post make up the title A Mixed Feeling on the last post.And, I wana thank Fionna Wee at here for wishing me although it wasnt as good as I thought. Thank you!!! and I miss you too.

A Mixed Feeling

Yesterday evening I went to Klement's birthday party. It was very fun and very cool. We did many funny things. I did not drink so much as I have a football match the next evening(will tell about the football story later). And guess what, only the girls are drunk. Normally, the boys are drunk, but I dont know why yesterday party was the other way round. The party end quite early, about 9 or 10pm, music was off and nobody dance, just chat. Than at about 1 or 2am, a few people and me went out from the house to have some fresh air. And guess what, it snowing quite heavily. And we played on the main street near the 'party house' as there was no car. I did a snow angel.// quite yeng right, haha. Oh ya, during the party, a few people and me played Trinkspiel, a type of drink game in type of dice. We need to roll the dice and follow the instructions base on what it is written. I think this game, you cant play it in Malaysia. Sure nobody want to play it unless me.I think its very funny. Hahaha. I slept at 4am, and woke up at 7am. Take a bus and back home.It was the coooolest and funniest party I had in Germany until now. Next party, Marie birthday party on 2nd of January. But I can't make it as I will be in Austria to learn snowboarding(yiiihaaa). But I think there will still be a Perpisahan Party for me .=D

Marie: Tut mir sehr leid. Ich möchte sehr gerne nach dein Party, wie du möchtest gerne für mich zu dein Party. Aber ich bin in Osterriech für Snowboarding. Wir machen Spaß wann Abschied Party ok? haha =D Sorry!!!

I dont know how to take the Text Background Colour off..Argghhh!!

Friday 26 November 2010

Chocolate*yum yum*

My host mum just came back from supermarket and as always, she sure bought some chocolate and of course,I get some too. I really love chocolate very much, especially German products. Milka and Ritter Sport. Anyone can help me to go to Supermarket and see whether I can buy it in Malaysia? Its stupid when you bring something back to Malaysia but you still can buy it in Malaysia. My host mum bought me Ritter Sport today,Olympia type  (with yogurt, honey, nuts and Grape sugar??).I dont know why its called Olympia. I plan to eat it after I dont cough anymore,but it attract me too much.At last,I beh tahan and eat it. Dont care so much la, haha. Chocolates dont last long in our house. They are the first products to be finished after they are bought. Sometimes. 

Ritter Sport

This is what I had finished eaten today morning

These are Milka, but my favourite chocolate in Germany is...

This is the best among all.. Hmmm(saliva running)


Actually I saw snow before. In Italy 2007 and on my first day in Germany. But this is something quite special. I don't know whether it's the first snow in my village or not(maybe snow at night), but its the first time that I saw snow in my village. Quite happy to see first snow of the season although the snow is very fine. Hahaha. I took some pictures,but cant see it as it is too small and too little in quantity, but I took a video and can see it.Today evening I am going to an overnight birthday party of a classmate of mine, but still coughing badly  even worse when I woke up today. Hope it's going to be better as I don't want to cough during the whole evening. Today is a free day for me. No need to go to school as it is Eltern Sprech Tag(Parents Information Day), but I need to start to write the Mercator report as I need to send in on 10th of December. Quite lazy actually because need to think so much. =(


I am coughing quite badly now. 'Cough', leave me pleasssee!!! You can come back and find me on 17th of January. But for now, I really don't have time to sick. Pleasssseee!!! >.<

Thursday 25 November 2010


I went to a presentation about Scandinavian yesterdayy evening at a house in my village. Its like an activity house for this village. Scandinavian is a region in northern Europe that includes Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland. The presentation was in a power point form. Many pictures, and also someone explained about the places of the pictures. Those places are very beautiful and interesting to me. Very green(nature) and very blue(sea and river). But, the pictures, I think they were taken very very long ago. Because the people inside those pictures wore very old fesyen clothes, like 19th century clothes. And also, I am the youngest inside the house. -.-!! Most of them are about 70 or 80 years old. Only a  just married couple, Stephan(a saxophone player in my host sister band and a friend of mine) and me are the only so-called young generation. But overall, the presentation was fine, and I learn something about Scandinavian. =D

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Hey People (Part II)

OK, wrote about the house interview yesterday, and i gonna continue with it. The house interview was intresting. The family has 4 daughters, and one of their daughter go to the same class as me, should say I go to the same class as her. She is going to Canada for student exchange in next year January. Her family wana host a girl whose mother tongue is English. I said that, people from Malaysia can speak good English, not as perfect as people from USA or England, but we speak very often English. We learn English from 9 years old and our Maths and all Science subjects all taught in English too, so our English are consider good (I feel very proud to be a Malaysian at that moment //).

Most of the people in Malaysia are not proud to be a Malaysian. I am was one of them too, but now, I SIBEK SIBEK PROUD to be a Malaysian. What is so special and good about Malaysia? I have a lot of reasons:

  • Malaysia is a country rich of culture.( Malay, Chinese, Indian and other minority races in Sabah and Sarawak) We celebrate Chinese New Year and other races' festivals together. Although in Germany, there are also a lot of Turkish people, but they do not celebrate their Muslim festivals together with the Germans. They come to Germany, and live like a German. But in Malaysia, we live like we used to. We live with our tradition, and we do not have only 1 tradition, but many traditions. This is what made Malaysia.
  • Because of the multicultural in Malaysia, we have many choices. One of the example is the food. As an example, breakfast in Germany is langweilig(boring) because its always the same. But in Malaysia, we have different type of food to choose. And also, Germans do not go to restaurant as often as we did, because its expensive and they do not have so many choices as we have.
  • Malaysia have a lot of festivals, and because of this, we have a lot of holidays. The festivals also represent Malaysia. Its not a Malay festivals or a Chinese festivals, but its Malaysia's festivals. If its only Malay or Chinese festival, then only the Chinese or Malay have holiday.
  • As we all know, we are more tradition then the Chinese in China. Some traditions or festival, we still celebrate or practise. But the Chinese in China do not did it anymore. Know why? Because the China experienced Chinese Cultural Revolution. But we did not.
  • We are able to speak Chinese and understand what the Chinese people in China speak, but they can't understand completely our Chinese as we mix it with our dialect, Malay and English. Although our English is not as perfect as the English, but it's better than many other country.
  • Malaysian pay less tax than the Germans. In Germany, the taxes are very high, so many high income people like Michael Schumacher prefer to live in Switzerland because of the low taxes in Switzerland. 
I still have some reasons actually, but I can't remember it now. Will tell more when I back to Malaysia.Oh ya, Alina, du hast zwei lustig und süß Schwestern. =)

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Hey People

I don't know why, but suddenly, I feel I wana create a blog. Maybe i regret that I do not write a diary during my stay in Germany =(. My pogramm is going to end soon. I feel sad to leave Germany, but at the same time, I feel happy too because I can meet my friends and my family, eat the food that I miss a lot, and also, go back to the nice weather in Malaysia. I just came back from a house interview from a classmate of mine. She and her family wana host someone as a host kid in their family, and I was bring along to did some advertisment about Malaysia and the people from Malaysia too =D. Wana know what did i say and what is good about Malaysia? I am going to post it tomorrow as I am quite tired now, and wana hear some story of Detroit from my host dad.

                                                                                                                                         To be countinue...