Saturday 10 March 2012

Sibek Fast

3weeks of semester break just ended like this. Fast hor. New semester starts on next Monday. Don't want go back Melaka can ma? Time pass very fast, sibek fast that type. How I spend my holiday? Okla I think, not too bad and not too good. No what waste time and no what use the time wisely. Next semester break have to be better, out from home more frequent so that I will not nua on the bed all the time.

My family are going to Beijing on Monday night, but I am not going because I don't want ponteng. Guai leh! And I went to Beijing before in 2008(form 4) if not mistaken. So no go also never mind la. Next time still have the chance =) Beijing trip friends, how are you guys? Long time no tanya khabar, just know 1 girl works as a teacher. Sorry for accidentally deleted your pictures. I will not forget how I delete it. I marked all her photos and prepared to bluetooth every single file to my phone. However, I terchose the 'delete' option instead of the 'send via' option. Stupid right? Yeah, I know! And I feel sorry when I think of  it, even now =(. But I think she dy forgive me right? I knew a very lenglui short hair girl during my visit to a Beijing's school, and she was quite open. Grab my hands la, forced me to do a heart shape with her la, but I think she chose people also lar(I mean I am the chosen one,xD) . If other guy, don't think she will did like that ba, *proud face*. However, we lost contact as she din reply my e-mail. Too bad, a long range relationship ended like this. Should I post her pic at here? I think no need ba, I know how she looks like can dy =). But I will show how she lenglui is her if you special request to see. She really lenglui, really my cup of tea/coffee/orange juice/milk/limao peng/teh tarik/kopi o kaw. (Imagine how beautiful is her d?) Too bad, I should get her pigeon, so that I can 飞鸽传情. Okla, enough d. Nite! Oh ya, her name is Vicky, xD *shy*
                                                                   Bird Nest


  1. Enough is enough.
    Tak boleh tahan....

  2. haha, sien ma, ntg to do, ma post fei4 abit wan lo. hahaha
