Wednesday 21 March 2012

Movies That Are Great!!!

I watched a movie just now. And it was AWESOME!!! The title of the movie is The Change Up. This is how the story. 2 guys, who are best friends, piss at a fountain, and then their body change. The story continue with how they go through the life of their change buddy. Sound cool right? At first I was attracted to the movie with this reason, as sometimes I will think like this in my heart, 'how good if I am him/her'. But after some time watching it, the movie din turn out as I expected. It then make me realize that I should appreciate my life as it is my life. No one can be the director of my life and if I want my life to be attractive and colorful, I should work for it, not just envying other people's life and complaining with I can't be like him/her. Here is a quote that I love the most from the movie. 'Life doesn't always turn out exactly how you plan it. Sometimes, just sometimes it turns out better'. I sincerely recommend this movie to everyone who has not yet watch it. It is worth to watch it.

Another awesome movie that I miss-blog was New Year Eve. I watched it with Fionna, Peek, Chu, Vivian and Karmei. Again, sincerely from my heart, anyone who hasn't watch it should watch it as it is a movie of dream. If I have a friend who do not  have a dream, I will definitely recommend this movie to him/her because  人因梦想而伟大 Sweet dream people.

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