Tuesday 6 March 2012

Don't Know Apa Hok Missing!

I changed almost all the design of my blog. I feel fresh about the new look, but not satisfied enough. I still feel that I miss out something, but I don't know what did I left out. The feeling is like you feel itchy, but don't know exactly which part of your body is kissed by mosquito, and end up scratching almost every part of body to find the place, but you still cant find it. LOL! Ignore the example, but I really don't know what I wan to add to my blog yet I feel something is missing. This post is quite weird. =.=


  1. Wey! Macam mana u dapat cari my blogger?I

  2. sze ee blog? saya pun dah lupa.. ya, i think is from sze ee wan
