Sunday 18 March 2012


Everyone loves weekend, include me. But this weekend is quite a boring weekend for me. Lying down the bed doing almost nothing. Read abit, listen abit and facebook almost all the time. I manage to finish Lee Chong Wei's biography. "Dare To Be A Champion" or 《败者为王》in Chinese. I bought the English version. I am wondering whether the content of both is the same, as the title gives 2 difference meaning.

Even the cover are difference. I prefer the English cover, as it looks more..... pro, haha. What I like to read about biography is their road to success, and their story to the top. Unfortunately, I only have 2 biography books, Louis Hamilton "My Story" and Lee Chong Wei's one. Louis is a F1 driver.


Back to Lee's  book. The book is pretty short in term of pages and words, but I do enjoy reading it. I managed to finish it in 1 evening. After finish this book, I have almost nothing to do. Quite a boring weekend actually. Hopefully next weekend will be a better one. Wish everyone enjoy the last part of this weekend and a productive brand new week tomorrow. =)