Sunday 25 March 2012

I slept quite late a few days ago. 4 or 5am just slept, and then woke up at 12 or 1. Unhealthy life style huh? Not I don't want sleep, but I can't sleep. Reason being I think too much. Hope that tonight will be a good sleep for me. Usually I close the light on 12 or 1, but I really felt into sleep on 3 or 4. Hope tonight will not be a late-night-sleep for me again. =(

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Movies That Are Great!!!

I watched a movie just now. And it was AWESOME!!! The title of the movie is The Change Up. This is how the story. 2 guys, who are best friends, piss at a fountain, and then their body change. The story continue with how they go through the life of their change buddy. Sound cool right? At first I was attracted to the movie with this reason, as sometimes I will think like this in my heart, 'how good if I am him/her'. But after some time watching it, the movie din turn out as I expected. It then make me realize that I should appreciate my life as it is my life. No one can be the director of my life and if I want my life to be attractive and colorful, I should work for it, not just envying other people's life and complaining with I can't be like him/her. Here is a quote that I love the most from the movie. 'Life doesn't always turn out exactly how you plan it. Sometimes, just sometimes it turns out better'. I sincerely recommend this movie to everyone who has not yet watch it. It is worth to watch it.

Another awesome movie that I miss-blog was New Year Eve. I watched it with Fionna, Peek, Chu, Vivian and Karmei. Again, sincerely from my heart, anyone who hasn't watch it should watch it as it is a movie of dream. If I have a friend who do not  have a dream, I will definitely recommend this movie to him/her because  人因梦想而伟大 Sweet dream people.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


I tried to sleep, but I can't. Reasons: probably mosquitoes as they are irritating and I managed to kill a few or think too much. I tried not to think too much but I could not stop my brain from thinking it. I don't like sleepless night as I gonna spend the whole morning sleeping to exchange with my night time. Luckily I do not have class on Tuesday. Alright, I should try to sleep at least, and then try my best to wake up as early as possible. Good morning and wish you have a nice day! Light off for me. Gute Nacht.

Sunday 18 March 2012


Everyone loves weekend, include me. But this weekend is quite a boring weekend for me. Lying down the bed doing almost nothing. Read abit, listen abit and facebook almost all the time. I manage to finish Lee Chong Wei's biography. "Dare To Be A Champion" or 《败者为王》in Chinese. I bought the English version. I am wondering whether the content of both is the same, as the title gives 2 difference meaning.

Even the cover are difference. I prefer the English cover, as it looks more..... pro, haha. What I like to read about biography is their road to success, and their story to the top. Unfortunately, I only have 2 biography books, Louis Hamilton "My Story" and Lee Chong Wei's one. Louis is a F1 driver.


Back to Lee's  book. The book is pretty short in term of pages and words, but I do enjoy reading it. I managed to finish it in 1 evening. After finish this book, I have almost nothing to do. Quite a boring weekend actually. Hopefully next weekend will be a better one. Wish everyone enjoy the last part of this weekend and a productive brand new week tomorrow. =)

Thursday 15 March 2012

Wednesday Marathon

Every Wednesday is a marathon day for me, as I have a long day at the school. My class starts with tutorial, which begins from 2pm-4pm, then continue with tennis from 4pm-8pm and lastly Engineering Society from 8pm-10pm. I experienced it yesterday and it was hell exhausting. During the first week, tutorial classes do not begin yet, so I had class from 4pm-10pm. By the time Engineering Society started, I felt very sleep. Hope that I am able to make use of it and keep myself up on every Wednesday.

P/S: I have to brave myself and not think so much. I am disappointing with myself. I have to change!!!

Saturday 10 March 2012

Sibek Fast

3weeks of semester break just ended like this. Fast hor. New semester starts on next Monday. Don't want go back Melaka can ma? Time pass very fast, sibek fast that type. How I spend my holiday? Okla I think, not too bad and not too good. No what waste time and no what use the time wisely. Next semester break have to be better, out from home more frequent so that I will not nua on the bed all the time.

My family are going to Beijing on Monday night, but I am not going because I don't want ponteng. Guai leh! And I went to Beijing before in 2008(form 4) if not mistaken. So no go also never mind la. Next time still have the chance =) Beijing trip friends, how are you guys? Long time no tanya khabar, just know 1 girl works as a teacher. Sorry for accidentally deleted your pictures. I will not forget how I delete it. I marked all her photos and prepared to bluetooth every single file to my phone. However, I terchose the 'delete' option instead of the 'send via' option. Stupid right? Yeah, I know! And I feel sorry when I think of  it, even now =(. But I think she dy forgive me right? I knew a very lenglui short hair girl during my visit to a Beijing's school, and she was quite open. Grab my hands la, forced me to do a heart shape with her la, but I think she chose people also lar(I mean I am the chosen one,xD) . If other guy, don't think she will did like that ba, *proud face*. However, we lost contact as she din reply my e-mail. Too bad, a long range relationship ended like this. Should I post her pic at here? I think no need ba, I know how she looks like can dy =). But I will show how she lenglui is her if you special request to see. She really lenglui, really my cup of tea/coffee/orange juice/milk/limao peng/teh tarik/kopi o kaw. (Imagine how beautiful is her d?) Too bad, I should get her pigeon, so that I can 飞鸽传情. Okla, enough d. Nite! Oh ya, her name is Vicky, xD *shy*
                                                                   Bird Nest

Friday 9 March 2012

Football Dream

I watched this video just now afternoon. It's every footballer dream to play football as a professional and for a top club in the world. I wish that I am younger now, 10-15 years old, and live in other countries that football is more concern than in Malaysia, so that I could have more chances to play football(I mean like play in a local football club, trained and coached by a coach, compete in leagues. I am not being not patriotic, but just trying to say that the prospect to become a professional footballer in countries such as British, Germany, Italy, Spain and others is brighter than Malaysia. In Germany, I had the chance to join a football club for teens. It is a club of 2 villages. There are only about 3000 inhabitants from both the villages. Can say that every 3000 or lesser, there will be a football club. Imagine how much football opportunity for football lovers in Germany? This is a part that Malaysia should improved. Probably because of the system that shows the difference between German national team and Malaysian national team. If I want to compete in a league tournament, I can only join the football club of our school in Malaysia. And the competition is only a moment. In Germany, they compete almost every weekend and they train twice a week. Other than that, do I have any choice in Malaysia? I hope I have, but as far as I am concern, the answer is NO! Probably only in big city that we have the chance to join local football club. However I am still proud to be a Malaysian. No question about that. It's a dream for me and others to play football in TV and to be idolize by every football fans from every part of the world.

P/S: Later I am going to watch my last match at kt before going back to Melaka. New semester starts on this coming Monday. :'( I feels that holiday is too short. However, back to the match. Its between Man Utd, my favorite team against Athletic Bilbao. I hope that Man Utd will win at home, and here is a photo of Old Trafford(Manchester United home stadium) during a Europa League match to end my post of the day.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Don't Know Apa Hok Missing!

I changed almost all the design of my blog. I feel fresh about the new look, but not satisfied enough. I still feel that I miss out something, but I don't know what did I left out. The feeling is like you feel itchy, but don't know exactly which part of your body is kissed by mosquito, and end up scratching almost every part of body to find the place, but you still cant find it. LOL! Ignore the example, but I really don't know what I wan to add to my blog yet I feel something is missing. This post is quite weird. =.=

Save Our Nation


Dead and now alive again. Seriously don't know how many times this side gonna dead and re-alive, see mood and my tahap kerajinan ba. LOL!

I am currently enjoying my sem break, 'nua-ing' at KT. When will next sem start? Next week. Too fast? Yeah, IT'S TOO SHORT!!! Result will be released tomorrow, hope all pass!!! PLEASE!!!

P/S: Thanks to Fionna Wee and Shu Xin for their help =)