Monday 3 January 2011


2010 past, so how about 2011? My first 2weeks of 2011 will be the best periods for 2011( I think). And then the rest? Well, these are my plan in 2011. Party during Chinese New Year with friends, then find a part time job until July. Then July just go study. Between March and July? Part time job nia gua. After that? Of course not just study. A few of my germany's classmate are going to Bangkok for summer holiday. I hope I can make it to Bangkok and meet them there, and have some party with them. =) I think only 3 people if not mistaken. What else? I hope Nadine get her social country in Indonesia, then I have the chance to visit her and go to Indonesia. But this one, not so panic, as she gonna spend 1year for her social work. I can also visit her in 2012. Maybe we can communicate in Bahasa Melayu. She in Bahasa Indonesia, and me in Bahasa Malaysia. XD And I hope to snowboard again, not in Europe, but at least in Japan or South Korea. I hope these plans work as I expected, but I know they are quite impossible as I need to study, but these are my wishes for 2011. Not too greedy right? haha

But the basic wishes still remain the same, everyone that I knew stay heathy and good luck in this new year. 2011 is also an important year for my brother, spm year. Good luck!

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