Wednesday 25 May 2011


OK, its time to re-alive my blog. Can't believe times flies so fast and I have abandoned my blog for 3 months d. Not because I dont want to blog, but I dont have enough time to do it. Sorry Mr. Blog.

I watched a movie last weekend. 300 Spartans(taken from Ming He). A very yeng movie. No doubt that it is The Movie of The Month for me. It is a war movie, but the story is not boring at all, but instead very very yeng! About song leh, I am addicted to a new song from Jay, 麦蒸伟(我叫小麦), introduce by Shu Enn at facebook. Its The Song of The Week for me.I like the lyric and also the MV. Quite funny and interesting. Although I hear for N times d, but still do not feeling boring, haha. Not many songs can make me repeating hearing them du, haha. Same goes to the movie. I watched it 3 times d I think, but of course only the yeng parts.

Good Night World, hope to blog more frequent after this.

1 comment:

  1. Eh , very welcome nuh ! Muahahaha , finally U re-alive ur blog back. =P
