Sunday 27 February 2011

I Need Your Help

Usually, I will view my blog after I published a post. I feel that my blog is quite boring actually, haha, only words and nothing else. Maybe I need to upload some photos or pictures right? I received a very kind and caring complain from Heng Yi-Yun for telling that my blog is boring with only words. If you are kind to me, please, leave a comment at this post and said that my blog is boring. Then, I will try to make it as not boring as possible. Otherwise, I will keep the blog like this nia. So guys, please be 'kind' to me by leaving me your honest comment, haha.


  1. your blog will be better if there is at least one photo. :D

  2. i just found out u actually have a blog! as a feedback for this post, in fact i dun blame u for having a boring blog, because u r already a boring person!
    horla just joking, dun curse me.
