Monday 30 May 2011

Last Night Final

I watched the much anticipated Champions League final between Man Utd and Barcelona with Xiang Yang, Guo How and his friends yesterday. I waited for the match since that morning. When doind revision, also keep on thinking of how interesting will that match be. At about 5pm, i started my journey from uniten to subang. Again, I wana stressed that KTM SUCKS!!! Then, we went to find a place so that we can watch it. The match started at 2.45 a.m, but we started to find place at about 12.30a.m. Seriously, I was shocked by the effect of the final. It was full everywhere, luckily we found a place at Old Town. If we arrived 15min later, I bet we need to find another venue. The match was quite an interesting match( for neutral football fans la), but for a man utd fans like me, it was not comfortable at all. At last, Man Utd lost 1-3 to Barca. Not a bad game from Man Utd actually, just Barca played better than Man Utd. I hope there will be a rematch as soon as possible in the future. Perhaps in next year final? In Munich next season? I hope so. (I was so emo after that game =(

P/S: Xiang Yang's friend and her bf came to join us after a few min the match started. Its so sweet to have a girl friend who is also a football fans and willing to watch football game together with her bf. I hope my gf in the future will be a football fan and will watch football together with me too. I dont care if she said this particular player lengcai or whatever. =)

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