Thursday 3 February 2011

welcome back Chew Yi Lun

I cant believe that my last post was way back to 2weeks ago. Honestly, I used to update my blog twice or trice a week. This mean I have not  use the computer for quite a long period. I am currently studying in UNITEN, a college at jalan kajang-puchong. Well, when I was in Malaysia, I told everyone that I will only study in July, but now, I am a student of UNITEN already, haha. Honestly, I planned to rearrange my thing(luggage from Germany). Last time when I packed my thing, I just put everything that I think they are important into my luggage, so I planned to rearrange it, and put it properly in a box or whatever, but I dont think I have the time now. =( On the 6th of February, I will leave our lovely KUALA TERENGGANU back to UNITEN, and then I need to switch on my study mood, which I need it very much. Honestly, I am not in the mood for blogging now, chat next time ya blogspot.. xD

Of course not to forget to wish everyone, happy chinese new year and have a great start in this new year. =)

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