Monday 30 May 2011


I really need to tidy up my bag and my room. Sibek sibek messy, but I sibek sibek lazy to clean it. If the word "messy" do not appear, and also the meaning of the word do not appear, I will in a very happy mood, haha, but a 5years old kid also understand this la.

 My funny classmates ajok me to watch TV3 at his unit later at 10pm. I asked him watched what movie/programme, and he said, Pearl Screen. Every Monday, 10pm, TV3.Pearl Screen is the naame for the programme, There will always be a Chinese movie, every time different movie la of coz. The movie will be for 2hours(or 1hour ++). I very very long no watch that dy. I used to watch it when I was still a primary school student, (i think), or more precisely, before my dad subscribed Astro. At that time, my bro and I would gatherd in front of the TV, switched the channel to TV3 when 10pm reached. And my mum asked us to go to bed earlier as we had class the next day. Haha, think back the time when I used to be that small, 10 years, maybe not so long la, I have grown up to 19years old. Time flies, and I gonna step into my twenties next year. Feel so old and so unwillingly to step into this age zone. But no one can break this rule and stay younger forever. So, I gonna make use and appreciate every day.  

Last Night Final

I watched the much anticipated Champions League final between Man Utd and Barcelona with Xiang Yang, Guo How and his friends yesterday. I waited for the match since that morning. When doind revision, also keep on thinking of how interesting will that match be. At about 5pm, i started my journey from uniten to subang. Again, I wana stressed that KTM SUCKS!!! Then, we went to find a place so that we can watch it. The match started at 2.45 a.m, but we started to find place at about 12.30a.m. Seriously, I was shocked by the effect of the final. It was full everywhere, luckily we found a place at Old Town. If we arrived 15min later, I bet we need to find another venue. The match was quite an interesting match( for neutral football fans la), but for a man utd fans like me, it was not comfortable at all. At last, Man Utd lost 1-3 to Barca. Not a bad game from Man Utd actually, just Barca played better than Man Utd. I hope there will be a rematch as soon as possible in the future. Perhaps in next year final? In Munich next season? I hope so. (I was so emo after that game =(

P/S: Xiang Yang's friend and her bf came to join us after a few min the match started. Its so sweet to have a girl friend who is also a football fans and willing to watch football game together with her bf. I hope my gf in the future will be a football fan and will watch football together with me too. I dont care if she said this particular player lengcai or whatever. =)

Wednesday 25 May 2011


I wish snow falls in Malaysia. Perhaps in the coming 10years? haha.(maybe du, as the weather are unpredictable nowadays) I think on why I hope snow falls in Malysia, I do not need to explain right? Every Malaysians or even more precise, every south east asians wish snows do fall in our country. But my main reason is because I miss the time when I have the chance to do winter sport. Snowboarding. It is not just cool, but fun. But I do not have the chance to practice this type of sport in Malaysia. How sad. =( . I think I gonna change my profile picture at facebook soon. Feel boring with myself with the BMW car d, haha. But also depends on my degree of kerajinan la, hehe.


OK, its time to re-alive my blog. Can't believe times flies so fast and I have abandoned my blog for 3 months d. Not because I dont want to blog, but I dont have enough time to do it. Sorry Mr. Blog.

I watched a movie last weekend. 300 Spartans(taken from Ming He). A very yeng movie. No doubt that it is The Movie of The Month for me. It is a war movie, but the story is not boring at all, but instead very very yeng! About song leh, I am addicted to a new song from Jay, 麦蒸伟(我叫小麦), introduce by Shu Enn at facebook. Its The Song of The Week for me.I like the lyric and also the MV. Quite funny and interesting. Although I hear for N times d, but still do not feeling boring, haha. Not many songs can make me repeating hearing them du, haha. Same goes to the movie. I watched it 3 times d I think, but of course only the yeng parts.

Good Night World, hope to blog more frequent after this.