Sunday 27 February 2011

I Need Your Help

Usually, I will view my blog after I published a post. I feel that my blog is quite boring actually, haha, only words and nothing else. Maybe I need to upload some photos or pictures right? I received a very kind and caring complain from Heng Yi-Yun for telling that my blog is boring with only words. If you are kind to me, please, leave a comment at this post and said that my blog is boring. Then, I will try to make it as not boring as possible. Otherwise, I will keep the blog like this nia. So guys, please be 'kind' to me by leaving me your honest comment, haha.

Post Returnee Camp

Well, the camp just ended. I just felt that I have made the right decision to attend the camp. As usual, I love to share my experience with the others returnee, although I did not share it publicly, but it was enough for me to share with a couple of people and listened also to theirs experience. But as usual, I needed to use KTM to travel to Sentral. I really hate to travel with KTM. It has a 'special' smell which made me felt disgusting. Overall the camp was fun. =)

Thursday 24 February 2011


Sigui betul, wake up at 2.45a.m.(thx to wen yuh because she called the wrong person) then cant watch the match that i wished to watch since yesterday. Totally unexpected. This was the first time that I was dennying to watch a football match through internet.

I had 3 tests today. 2 computing tests and 1 English test. In English test, we needed to watch a documentary film and write an essay about the response of the film. I think I wrote it badly. =( And then come computing test. Computing test consisted of 2 parts, lab test and writting test. Writing part was consider OK la, as only 2 or 3 questions that I dont know how to answer.(those that i know how to answer doesnt mean will 100% correct too)  And then came the worst part, lab test. I duno why, but felt nervous from the start of the test. What the hell had happen to me at that time!!! Questions no read carefully and bla bla bla. Really dissapointed about today's tests. Just hope that when the results are out, the marks will be better than what I have expected. I expect all my marks will be pretty low. =(

Btw, I saw my host mum e-mail today when I needed to e-mail my lab test to the lecturer. And I managed to have a glimpse on that e-mail. My heart was touched by the content. I miss the time when I was in Germany badly. They are my second family and my second country(I would really hope Germany to be my first country xD). So, to keep me always in contact with them, I will rajin to write e-mails to them. But, I am very very very lazy in typing e-mails. Need someone to help me to write it!The one who willing to type for me(content of course from me) will get rm0.20 per e-mail. Anyone willing to take up this job? xD
Note: rm0.20 is a big number as I charged xiang yang for not giving me the chance to be the first to read my newspaper tempoh hari, and he paid it unwillingly. haha. 

Saturday 19 February 2011

Steamboat, 18-Feb-2011

Yesterday steamboat was fun(not the part that everyone is against me). I love to go out with friends that I already knew from small. Some from kindergarten and some from primary school. To meet with them was like back to the time of 3 or 4years ago, although some hair style have slightly changed. Well, talk about the food. I cant understand why so many ppl rebut chicken wings once they are served. After about 2minutes once they are served, the serve plate turned empty. I was told that this steamboat restaurant is famous of the chicken wing. But after I tried it, its actually okok nia. Dun trust me, ask wen yong too. He also said the same thing. Really cant understand why. I was quite hungry actually last night, but turned into over hungry, and then cant eat too much d. Plus the soup, quite boring la. Tom yam and qing1 tang1 nia, and not delicious at all. Overall I am not that satisfied with the food. But, oh ya, I like the peppermint ice-cream. I used to be a vanilla flavor fan, but now, peppermint. This is the only part that I like from the steamboat restaurant, haha.

Btw, I think everyone enjoy to meet each other, although only some of us present. Guys, I have an idea, why dont we set a day, a fixed day of every month, maybe every friday of the second week of the month? And we meet together at any place to be confirmed and at a time to be confirmed, so that we can meet each other more regularly. I miss you all ma, bo bien lo.. xD

Thursday 3 February 2011

welcome back Chew Yi Lun

I cant believe that my last post was way back to 2weeks ago. Honestly, I used to update my blog twice or trice a week. This mean I have not  use the computer for quite a long period. I am currently studying in UNITEN, a college at jalan kajang-puchong. Well, when I was in Malaysia, I told everyone that I will only study in July, but now, I am a student of UNITEN already, haha. Honestly, I planned to rearrange my thing(luggage from Germany). Last time when I packed my thing, I just put everything that I think they are important into my luggage, so I planned to rearrange it, and put it properly in a box or whatever, but I dont think I have the time now. =( On the 6th of February, I will leave our lovely KUALA TERENGGANU back to UNITEN, and then I need to switch on my study mood, which I need it very much. Honestly, I am not in the mood for blogging now, chat next time ya blogspot.. xD

Of course not to forget to wish everyone, happy chinese new year and have a great start in this new year. =)