Monday 24 June 2013


I just received a postcard from an old friend. The Kweh Peek Chin! haha.  I started to receive postcards when I was in Germany. I visited some friends in some part of Germany and they sent postcards to my host family's address after my visit-trip ended. Sweet right? (Maybe no for you but definitely YES for me) Postcards basically have 2 sides. One side with pictures that normally shows the attraction of the country/town/city/village. And the other side, which is my favourite side. You have to write what you wanna tell the person whom you gonna send on that side. Interesting right? // I feel that, effort is needed to choose what type of view and what are the words you wanna write. (Not easy kay!) I am always excited when I know that I am receiving a postcard, like a happy kid receiving a candy. I received most of the postcards from my host mum, but I reply only a few because I am busy lazy. I should write more to them as the relationship is somehow build within a year and I should show more appreciation. I keep my postcards in KT home, but, but, but I received 2 in Melaka. (a good start maybe? :D) I am waiting for the 3rd! haha. Hope you read this post and know I am saying you. Yah I know I gonna receive it, but just cant wait for it =)

Top postcard is from Peek(Aus) and bottom one from Vivian Ng(Swiss)

Thank you very much for the postcard!!! Love it very much <3 The written part no need la, haha.

P/S: This haze really make me sick. Fever, flu, sore throat, cough, you name it. I experienced all, and now still cough. I still have a marathon this coming weekend. LOL! Take care everyone.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Last Weekend

So yeah, I went to Singapore. First time ever to the country. Lots of adventure though, haha. I am lazy to repeat the story whole over again from the beginning until the end. We faced some problem when we arrived at the kastam and some problem again when we out of the kastam. They were problems regarding departure and arrival. The story is too long and I am lazy to type it here. SORRY. However, I believe we had a great time spend together at Singapore. So here is what we do for the 3D2N: (Actually it should be counted as 2D2N)

Day 1:
Day 1 basically ended quite disappointing for me. I thought we can make it to Clarke Quay and have some drinks over there. Manacai, the arrival problem cost us some time and in the end, just supper and then sleep.

Day 2:
We spend almost entire day at Universal Studio Singapore. The theme park is cool. It is a must to visit if you are in Singapore. It is the only the 2nd theme park of this type in Asia. (The other 1 is in Japan) The transformer one is the most awesome 3D. The shows, some were great and some were so so. After that, we get out from sentosa island and went to Marina Bay Sands to Garden by The Bay. I like the light and effect and music. Quite romantic for couple to pakto at there. Too bad I am single.

Day 3:
We did a little bit of sightseeing at Esplanade, where we can see most of the skyscrapers over that area. Can say all of them are bank companies. The waterfront view is awesome. Quite a beautiful place to rest too, but the only thing to complain is the weather was killing. It was way too hot. Even the girls who love to take pictures dont want to take and choose to stay under a roof to keep themselves away from the sun, haha.

Winne: Too hot!!! You want extra?  

Thursday 14 March 2013

Short Sem

First week of short semester is coming to the end soon. Now is already Thursday. And if you ask, how was it until now? I will answer, GOD DAMN BUSY! I used to like short semester because the period of study is shorter than long sem (obviously), so that I dont have to wait long for semester break. Besides, short sem for me was quite relax, but not this sem. I am taking 3 subjects for this semester comparing to the normal. 2 subjects for engineering students. Hence, my day is fucking tired. I have class from 2-6 almost everyday, except Friday as I dont have class on Friday. Just hope I can finish this semester as fast as possible and then have a break. I still hope the Singapore trip still on, but there is no discussion/plan at all for the moment. Feel like it's off. But maybe everyone is busy with their respective study life. Anyway, still hope will jadi.

And I am still thinking on what pic suitable for the theme 《第二人生》. If I manage to get a picture, I gonna give it a try on a competition. It's a Tune talk competition and the winner will get 2 free tickets to Singapore to watch Mayday's concert, including flight ticket from kl-sing and back and hotel too. Why not give it a try? But really dont have any idea wanna submit what photo yet. Some will ask, why so gian Mayday? It's un-explainable. You have to experience their concert yourself then you gonna understand it. Until now, good night.

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday Blue

Good morning. I should post about Mayday concert actually, but because of too much to write and too lazy, so I opt to update about myself. It's Monday, and MMU starts schooling starting this week after a month long of CNY/semester break. There are still a lot of stuff needed to be done later. Manual add subject, line up to take the RM250 voucher, register myself as a voter // and go to class of course. Until now, goodbye and have a nice day. I hope my host mum gonna reply my e-mail asap as her e-mail always lighten me up. Have a nice day =)