Monday 24 June 2013


I just received a postcard from an old friend. The Kweh Peek Chin! haha.  I started to receive postcards when I was in Germany. I visited some friends in some part of Germany and they sent postcards to my host family's address after my visit-trip ended. Sweet right? (Maybe no for you but definitely YES for me) Postcards basically have 2 sides. One side with pictures that normally shows the attraction of the country/town/city/village. And the other side, which is my favourite side. You have to write what you wanna tell the person whom you gonna send on that side. Interesting right? // I feel that, effort is needed to choose what type of view and what are the words you wanna write. (Not easy kay!) I am always excited when I know that I am receiving a postcard, like a happy kid receiving a candy. I received most of the postcards from my host mum, but I reply only a few because I am busy lazy. I should write more to them as the relationship is somehow build within a year and I should show more appreciation. I keep my postcards in KT home, but, but, but I received 2 in Melaka. (a good start maybe? :D) I am waiting for the 3rd! haha. Hope you read this post and know I am saying you. Yah I know I gonna receive it, but just cant wait for it =)

Top postcard is from Peek(Aus) and bottom one from Vivian Ng(Swiss)

Thank you very much for the postcard!!! Love it very much <3 The written part no need la, haha.

P/S: This haze really make me sick. Fever, flu, sore throat, cough, you name it. I experienced all, and now still cough. I still have a marathon this coming weekend. LOL! Take care everyone.

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