Sunday 4 November 2012

I Miss Them

I should post this earlier but I keep on delay it. Friends from Germany visited me at Melaka a few months ago. Yeah, I know I should slap myself for posting it late. They were on a vacation around South East Asia. Their trip was like this. Malaysia(KL)-> Thailand(Bangkok and Pattaya if not mistaken)-> Singapore-> Melaka-> Camerron Highland-> Penang-> Pulau Perhentian/Pangkor not so sure or both they went also. Cool right? I always wish to be like them, German style. Travel a lot. They had a 6weeks holiday. They earned by working part time for 3weeks, used the income with a little bid of savings and travel. Another friend was more 潇洒. In fact many Germans are 潇洒. He worked and traveled at the same time throughout Australia for 6months after his Abi (A-level). Wish to be like them and it was nice for them to pay me a visit. I remembered it was during study week.

Ignored my stupid face please. Right one is my classmate's brother & left one is one of my host brother's best friend.

The picture was taken at Jonker Street, when we were looking for a place where we can sit down, chit chatting a little bid and to have some beer. Quite a nice evening and I hope more German friends can come to Malaysia to visit me or I go to Germany and visit them, which is what I dreamed of doing. =)

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