Thursday 14 March 2013

Short Sem

First week of short semester is coming to the end soon. Now is already Thursday. And if you ask, how was it until now? I will answer, GOD DAMN BUSY! I used to like short semester because the period of study is shorter than long sem (obviously), so that I dont have to wait long for semester break. Besides, short sem for me was quite relax, but not this sem. I am taking 3 subjects for this semester comparing to the normal. 2 subjects for engineering students. Hence, my day is fucking tired. I have class from 2-6 almost everyday, except Friday as I dont have class on Friday. Just hope I can finish this semester as fast as possible and then have a break. I still hope the Singapore trip still on, but there is no discussion/plan at all for the moment. Feel like it's off. But maybe everyone is busy with their respective study life. Anyway, still hope will jadi.

And I am still thinking on what pic suitable for the theme 《第二人生》. If I manage to get a picture, I gonna give it a try on a competition. It's a Tune talk competition and the winner will get 2 free tickets to Singapore to watch Mayday's concert, including flight ticket from kl-sing and back and hotel too. Why not give it a try? But really dont have any idea wanna submit what photo yet. Some will ask, why so gian Mayday? It's un-explainable. You have to experience their concert yourself then you gonna understand it. Until now, good night.

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday Blue

Good morning. I should post about Mayday concert actually, but because of too much to write and too lazy, so I opt to update about myself. It's Monday, and MMU starts schooling starting this week after a month long of CNY/semester break. There are still a lot of stuff needed to be done later. Manual add subject, line up to take the RM250 voucher, register myself as a voter // and go to class of course. Until now, goodbye and have a nice day. I hope my host mum gonna reply my e-mail asap as her e-mail always lighten me up. Have a nice day =)