Wednesday 20 June 2012


I hope there is someone who will cross my head using his/her hand and then I shout, 'stress' like how Garry always do in Running Man. I feel very stress recently, especially these few days. Reason, time not enough for me, what lecturer taught in class I do not understand, and fear of failing my mid-term. I really hope I have a way to release my stress but I do not know how :( Whenever I am in stressed, I will just let it there and when the time and the case passed, the stress in me disappeared and I am free of stress. But now, I am suffering of it and I am very not comfortable with it. I feel that I gonna burst soon. Hence, I wish tomorrow or in fact the next couple of hours will be kind to me and have something to cheer me up. Fighting!!!

Saturday 16 June 2012


I think I have not updated my blog for quite some time so I really do not know how to start it at first. Ok, what am I doing recently is I am quite busy with one of the major event of Chinese Language Society in MMU. Some sort of orientation for the freshie. It has not end yet. It will end on the end of june. Gonna be busy for quite some time I guess.
I am sitting next to the orange shirt girl at the right side of the pic.

The Chief Minister of Melaka visiting our booth.
Group photo at the end of registration week.
And this semester, I have quite a number of killer subject. However, that's not the major problem. The headache problem is the attitude of the students, whom I believe are from foundation. They are rude, thought they know everything, make a lot of noise and I don't think they deserve a place in the class, seriously! As a son of teacher, I am understand well how a teacher feel. It's really pathetic to see condition like this happen in university, in an engineering class.

To sum up the post, Euro 2012 is on the way and I am looking forward to matches involving Germany.