Saturday 13 October 2012


I think I should blog more often. I am currently holidaying. 1weeks left, then I gonna leave my lovely hometown and back to Malacca. I think I should at least describe the town a little bit. To me, Malacca is a nice town, with a lot of cheap chinese food compare to KT. But, I still miss KT's food when I was at Malacca. 1week left, and I should really finish what I should do, start from tmr. Although I saw a lot of pictures/status/tweets about they traveling around places or how they spend their sem break and I thinks that my sem break isn't that awesome. However I enjoy it. No one will ever know who tense was I during before the final. As always, my room was messy. I hold my phone up to my ear when I slept because I am afraid I overslept and woke up late, and blah blah blah. I was relief when it was over and the glad-est moment was when I reached KT. What and how I spend my sem break? I watch astro, read a book in the warmest place on earth-MY HOME.

I feel that Chinese New Year is around the corner. The first day will be on the 10th of February. Why I feel it's coming very soon? Because astro is inviting people for the 万人mv. LOL!

P/S: KT stands for Kuala Terengganu