Monday 3 October 2011

How long was my last post ar? 4months ago? Huh~~ quite a long time no blog d. I don't even know how to start a blog now. LOL! Someone asked me how am I now. Well, i am still holidaying. Eat, sleep, online, and then eat, sleep and online again are the main activities. Boring life right? But I enjoy this type of boring-ness. ^^ Registration for my new college will be on the 13th of October, which means my holiday is going to end soon. Feel sad, but at the same time, can't wait for new challenges and new life at a brand new environment. =)

Oh ya, a TV series caught my attention recently. The Buried Life. It is a reality documentary series of 4 young men attempting to complete a list of "100 things to do before you die". Cool right? Mum forwarded me an e-mail . And I love a sentence that says, people that afraid of death means that they do not have a wonderful life. To end my blog today, I wish everyone a nice day and a colourfull life.